As digital marketers, staying on top of the latest SEO and Google algorithm updates is a must. Here we discuss what to expect from the world of SEO and Google in 2023.

2023 may be one year away, but it’s never too early to start preparing for upcoming changes in search engine optimization (SEO) and Google algorithms. With advancements in technology surfacing each day, it’s essential to be up-to-date on SEO trends as they come up. Here we list out five key predictions that could shape the future of SEO & Google algorithms over the next year.

  1. Mobile is King – Already mobile searches outnumber desktop searches but this trend will only increase with time as more people switch over to using their smartphones for web surfing activities than ever before. Responsive design will become a must-have feature; websites that are not optimized for mobile devices will have extremely low rankings on SERPs
  2. Voice Search Will Soar – Voice search has become increasingly popular these days, and this trend is expected to soar further by 2023 as more people embrace Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered digital assistants like Alexa and Siri for their daily tasks such as shopping, research or simply asking questions about topics they’re interested in exploring. Marketers need to realize this shift from text-based queries toward voice searches and optimize their website content accordingly
  3. Increase Focus On Quality Content – As AI gets smarter, Google algorithms are able to analyze content better than ever before; helping them determine which websites provide users with quality content tailored towards their queries bests. This means that businesses should focus on producing high-quality written content or videos while avoiding copy/pasted or keyword-stuffed articles solely aimed at boosting ranking positions on SERPs.                                                        
  4. Rise Of Structured Data Markup – Structured data markup helps search engine crawlers better understand your website’s purpose, context, information hierarchy and other important elements which affect how your pages appear on SERPs. Businesses should start using schema markup tags like JSON-LDs or Microdata markups far earlier so they can reap its benefits by 2023 
  5. Rise Of Local – Local SEO strategies will remain highly relevant; businesses should pay extra attention towards optimizing their local services-related info such as contact numbers, address etc. so customers searching for them can easily locate them online when needed  

Conclusion: The digital landscape evolves rapidly so it’s important for marketers to take an active role in planning ahead and preparing themselves proactively for changes ahead. While these five predictions give us an idea of what could be upcoming developments within the world of SEO & Google Algorithms, there is no telling exactly what’s in store over the course next two years until then all know the best to stay abreast of the industry news while adopting measures help improve business visibility online!

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